Tuesday, December 28, 2010

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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

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Home for Sale in Antioch, TN | $114900 Possibly the best location in the development with a side yard across from the pool. Newly painted and $9000 worth of new hardwoods on main level and upstairs. New carpet on stairs. This one is ready for you just to bring your furniture. 1200921 Nashville Homes, Nashville Real Estate, Coldwell Banker Barnes, Snow & Wall, Nashville


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Monday, December 20, 2010

Measure Yourself Against This Positive Practical and Model Example

When I used to go to the football (soccer for those of you reading this across the pond) I expected to see a match taking place with 22 players. I did not expect a concert or flower arranging or knitting. Now, I am not against any of these things. I am not against anything, but sin.

But when I 'go to Church', I expect to hear about Jesus and sense that God is at the very centre and heart of all that is going on.

In Acts Chapter 11 and at verse 26, these disciples of Jesus Christ were always talking about their Saviour and Lord, Jesus Christ, and in Antioch they were first called Christians - 'little anointed ones' - 'little Christs'. Antioch must have been a great place to be in these days. Faith was fresh vibrant and dynamic and there were spiritually powerful preachers and teachers.

It is a peculiar fact today, that you can bring the name of Jesus Christ even into some Church meetings, and people can become embarrassed and uncomfortable. Not so in Antioch.

Their lives were so different from other people's lives, in so many ways. They were distinctly different - by their love - their joy - their compassion - their openness - the way they could welcome all who came to faith - their eagerness to learn - their generosity - the way their lives were so radically transformed - the way they coped with and how they could handle suffering. These men and women were different from everyone else in Antioch, and it was JESUS Who made them different.

Sharing - speaking - testifying - fellowshipping - feeding upon the teach of Barnabas and Saul for a whole year - and their willingness to receive The Word of God helped made them different too - strong in character - filled with faith - powerful in The Holy Spirit.

They were so very positive.

Some prophets came down from Jerusalem. A man named Agabus stood up, and through the Spirit predicted that a severe famine would spread over the entire Roman world. What kind of man does that? What kind of man would have the courage today to speak forth like that, knowing that if it did not happened he would rightly be labelled as a false prophet.

Agabus had a prophetic ministry. He heard from God, and spoke on behalf of God, with the anointing of the Holy Spirit upon him.

There is also something here of a word of knowledge. Agabus knew something, revealed by God, which no-one else knew at that time. God was saying something vitally important, and God was saying it through The Church. A great need was going to arise throughout the whole Roman world. That covered quite an area at that time.

This actually happened during the historical reign of Emperor Claudius.

These disciples of Jesus Christ in Antioch just began to give. There was no appeal for funds, and it was no token offering. Each gave as much as he was able to.

They realised that there was going to a physical problem in Judea - in Jerusalem. As the Holy Spirit revealed the need, these disciples rose to the occasion, in a positive and practical manner.

Wherever real needs arise today will the Church of Jesus Christ respond in such a positive and practical manner without lengthy appeals? As an individual disciple of Jesus will you rise up when you become aware of some specific need in the world, in your local community or in the Fellowship where you regularly worship?

At the end of Acts chapter 11, the Church of Jesus Christ has been going for around four or five years.

Take a moment to consider how that young fellowship of Jesus Christ in Antioch was such a model fellowship, and an example for us today.

Persecuted disciples of Jesus Christ made their home in Antioch and influence many in the community.

They are so eager to hear The Word of God and receive teaching from those who were just a little bit further along the way than the others.

They are open to the Holy Spirit - open to prophecy and a word of knowledge.

There is an obedience to those in authority. These true believers are willing to give generously, and there were men of calibre who could be trusted to deliver the money to the people in need.

Yes, we are reading of these first early years of The Church. How does the Church where you worship measure to what we read of in the Fellowship in Antioch?

Sandy Shaw

Sandy Shaw is Pastor of Nairn Christian Fellowship, Chaplain at Inverness Prison, and Nairn Academy, and serves on The Children's Panel in Scotland, and has travelled extensively over these past years teaching, speaking, in America, Canada, South Africa, Australia, making 12 visits to Israel conducting Tours and Pilgrimages, and most recently in Uganda and Kenya, ministering at Pastors and Leaders Seminars, in the poor areas surrounding Kampala, Nairobi, Mombasa and Kisumu.

He broadcasts regularly on WSHO radio out of New Orleans, and writes a weekly commentary at http://www.studylight.org entitled "Word from Scotland" on various biblical themes, as well as a weekly newspaper column.

His M.A. and B.D. degrees are from The University of Edinburgh, and he continues to run and exercise regularly to maintain a level of physical fitness.

Sandy Shaw

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Sunday, December 12, 2010

In the Footsteps of Paul by Ken Duncan

"In the Footsteps of Paul" is a photo-journal presentation of the life of the Apostle Paul as written by his traveling companion, Luke. Selected passages taken directly from the book of Acts follow Paul's life chronologically. The story of Paul's conversion, his call to ministry, and the diverse trials he encountered on his three missionary journeys are all dramatically conveyed in photos, art, and narrative.

Ken Duncan follows Paul's life with magnificent panoramic views of Damascus, Caesarea, Antioch, and Cyprus, with hundreds of other photos of locations mentioned throughout Luke's account, as recorded in the New Testament book of Acts. The photos of the Roman Road depict the area Paul passed through as he traveled to his final path to imprisonment in Rome.

I was enthralled with the inspiring photos of classic artwork taken in monasteries, churches and museums located in Italy, Greece, Israel, and other Middle Eastern locales. Contemplative quotes from well known and respected Christian leaders accompany Duncan's own comments and add to the devotional quality of the book.

If you are looking for a book of religious studies, theology, or a history on first century Christianity look elsewhere. If you are looking for "spectacular" photography, inspirational art, and reflective devotional insights, Ken Duncan's photography and inspiring narrative is the answer.

"In the Footsteps of Paul" is ideal for gift giving and can be a stimulating conversation starter when displayed prominently as a coffee table book. The book will be especially appreciated by anyone who has personally followed the footsteps of Paul while visiting these locales or for anyone planning this experience in the near future.

Nelson Publishing, 978-1404104822

As Reviewed for Midwest Book Review

Richard R. Blake, Christian Education Consultant, Book Store Owner

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Thursday, December 2, 2010

Turning Points in Church History - Council of Jerusalem to Edinburgh


This meeting of apostles and presbysters described in Acts 15:4-9 was convoked to address the relationship of Jews and Gentiles in the church. Jewish Christians believed that Gentile believers had to submit to the law as well as their faith in Jesus. Paul, Barnabas, and others were sent to present the case. Paul, aware of the gravity of the crisis, took Titus, a native Greek, as a living specimen of what the Spirit of God could accomplish without circumcision. The decision of the great council was significant (Acts 15:28-29). It decided that the law, which had been impossible for Jews, should not be required of Gentiles. They need not be circumcised before eventually becoming a Christian. The principal at stake was incarnation, translating the Gospel in the mindset of the people. An example in Church history in which this principle was ignored was the spread of Christianity by the British in my country, Sierra Leone. The people resented the activities of the missionaries who were identified as part of the colonial government. The results were catastrophic. In the 1898 rebellion, white missionaries, African males (who wore trousers) and women (who wore skirts) were brutally murdered. Places of worship were desecrated. Like the Crusades, this rebellion furnishes the perfect reminder that the church can win by the message of peace and not by force. This principle was however adopted by Patrick, the Englishman captured and sold into slavery in Ireland who escaped and eventually became priest. It had tremendous impact. In the 5th century, he converted the Irish to the faith they had so freely defended throughout the centuries. In sympathy with the realities of Irish life, he was able to bring Ireland into closer relations with the rest of the western church. He planted over two hundred congregations and baptized over one hundred thousand converts.


If the fathers of the 4th century quarreled over the relations between God the Father and God the Son, those of the 5th century faced the problem of defining the relationship of the two natures, the human and the divine within God the Son, Jesus Christ. The Christological controversy stemmed from the rival doctrines of Apollinaris (Word-Flesh) and Theodore of Mopsuestia (Word-Man), representatives of the rival schools of Alexandria and Antioch respectively. Word-Flesh Christology generally held that the divine and human natures were united indistinguishably. This single divine nature (extreme Monophysitism) after the Incarnation, was strongly supported by Eutcyches. Word-Flesh Christology was not in consonance with Word-Man Christology since the latter taught the two natures co-existed separately in Christ. Cyril of Antioch condemned the extreme Antiochene Christology taught by Nestorius viewing the man Jesus an independent person beside the Divine Word. Pope Leo''s Tome (response to Flavian, the archbishop of Constantinople in 449) addressed these opposing perspectives by avoiding their extremities as reflected in the teachings of Eutyches and Nestorius. He noted that Christ was fully human and fully divine, two natures united in one person. Mary conceived and gave birth to Him without the loss of her virginity. The Tome played a very significant role at the Council of Chalcedon (451) which was convoked to resolve this doctrinal controversy. Leo''s view was accepted as the orthodox doctrine of the church. His statement of the place of the bishop of Rome in the church established doctrinal basis for the papacy. Although he was not pleased with Canon 28 which dignified Constantinople, his view that Jesus was a single person with two natures has remained the standard formulation of the doctrine of Christ in most branches of Christianity.


Christendom, the centuries-long period of western history, which could be regarded as a medieval synthesis, fused what could be presently regarded as separate sacred and secular spheres of life. It was the era in European history when the interests of both church and society were considered to be the same. It was almost generally assumed that Christian spiritual realities were more fundamental than realities of the temporal world. The foundation of Christendom was terribly shaken by the French Revolution (a programme of deChristianization). Christendom shaped medieval Europe''s outlook on everyday life. With the exception of the most extreme Anabaptists, almost all Europeans embraced Christendom and believed it was natural for the Church'' sphere of influence to embrace every aspect of life. This was attributed to the central role of the church in the sacramental system as the agent through which the sacraments brought God''s grace to every stage of life. It shaped political life since the political sphere co-operated with the church in fulfilling its spiritual tasks. Learning was directed to be compatible with the teaching of the church. The economy was structured accordingly as it supports the church in its mission. Social conduct also imitated the patterns God has set for the church. In other words, the church offered a foundation for everything. In spite of its failure, Christendom was a powerful ideal. Islam in the 7th and 8th centuries greatly contributed to this understanding of Christianity. Its astonishing spread marginalized Christianity. Muslims moved into Spain and were stopped, as they were about to enter France. Christians were alarmed. Cities were incorporated into what became known as the Holy Roman Empire. It is fair to state that Christendom arose to control the expansion of Islam.


The symbolic date for the separation between the Eastern Church (Constantinople) and the Western Church (Rome) is 1054. Different temperament and intellectual disposition between contemporary theologians like Tertullian of Carthage and Clement of Alexandria were traits that eventually represented the views of two distinct but complementary religious cultures. The Eastern Church sharply disagreed when the Western Church introduced into the Nicene Creed the doctrine that the Holy Spirit proceeds not from the Father alone ? the traditional view of the early Church Fathers ? but from the Father and the Son (Latin: filoque). When the Roman Empire divided into two zones, Latin speaking Rome began to claim superiority over Greek-speaking Constantinople; disputes arose over church boundaries and control, for example in Illyricum and Bulgaria. Rivalry developed in Slavic regions between Latin missionaries from the west and Byzantine from the east who considered the territory to be orthodox. Islam also strained relations. Other issues which ignited the friction related to worship and church discipline, for instance married clergy (Orthodox) versus celibacy (Roman Catholic) and rules of fasting. Tensions became a schism in 1054 when the uncompromising patriarch of Constantinople, Cerularius, and envoys of the uncompromising Pope Leo IX communicated each other. No acct of separation was considered at this time. Crusades, religious wars by Christians to rescue the Holy Land sealed the schism. The Fourth Crusade (1204) was diverted to attack and plunder Constantinople during which Orthodox Christians were murdered, and churches and icons desecrated. The Holy Land was not won. Islam was not permanently checked. The insolent action of popes in establishing Latin patriarchates in the east intensified the conflict.


The ten-day Edinburgh Missionary Conference in 1910 ended the notion that worldwide Christianity meant reaching out from Europe and its North American extensions to the rest of the globe. It was indeed the last moment when it was equated with the Christianity of Europe and North America. Edinburgh was the beginning of a new era because it symbolized a dawning consciousness for the world wide extension of Christianity in contrast to earlier expansions involving single originating and receiving cultures. It was indeed a meeting to discuss the evangelization of the world (although only Protestants attended). It is important because of its ecumenical significance. Eight commissions or theological topics were addressed. These included carrying the gospel to all the Christian world, the church in the mission field, education in relation to the Christianization of national life, the missionary message in relation to non-Christian religions, the preparation of missionaries, home base of missions, missions and government, and the promotion of Christian unity. Missions were engaged globally and positively. The end of the conference marked the dawn of the request. Edinburgh directly or indirectly led to the establishment of the International Missionary Conference, the Universal Christian Conference on Life and Work, and the World Conference on Faith and Order. The last two merged in 1948 to create the World Council of Churches and the number of Christians has sky-rocketed from less than ten million in 1900 to almost two hundred million in 1997. Local indigenization is produced results. The rise and spread of Pentecostalism, the integral role of women missionaries, proliferation of Bible translations, the implications of information technology, to name a few, point to world evangelism.


From the perspective of the course, the above date is significant because it saw the fulfilment of the Great Commission as a result of the fall of Jerusalem. The church was ''weaned'' from Judaism as a result of the destruction of the Jewish temple and the cessation of sacrifices, an integral part in Jerusalem worship. This was a turning point because Christianity moved outward and metamorphosed from a religion shaped by the Jewish environment into a faith moving toward universal significance in the Mediterranean and beyond. It took an independent path in the Gentile world.


The Council of Nicaea was the first ecumenical council of the Christian Church which was called by Constantine I to solve the problem created by Arianism, a heresy first proposed by Arius of Alexandria that affirmed that Christ is not a divine but created being. The absolute equality of the Son with the Father was established. It is considered a turning point because it set Christianity on a course (the addition of concerns for worldly power to its natal concern for the worship of God) it has only begun to reluctantly relinquish. This was directed by Constantine''s conversion that gradually gave way to the pilgrim reality of the church. In other words, the doctrinal declaration and the alteration of the church''s relationship with the world were unique.


It was at the Council of Chalcedon in 451 convoked to resolve the doctrinal controversy between Antioch and Alexandria over the person of Christ that the fathers accepted the formula proposed by Pope Leo I that Jesus was one person consisting of two natures. The significance was the more stable institutional character given to the church. It was significant because of its clarification of orthodox Christian teaching and the way in which that clarification was accomplished. The three fold triumph ? sound doctrine over the error over the error of the church, Christian catholicity over cultural fragmentation and of discriminating theological reasoning over the anti-intellectual dismissal of philosophy and a theological capitulation of philosophy ? conspire to make Chalcedon a turning point.


The long-standing controversy between the Western and Eastern Church came to a head in 1054 when Pope Leo IX and the Greek Patriarch, Michael Cearularius, broke off relations with an exchange of anathemas. Although friction was ignited by events way back to the early church history and sealed by later events like the Crusades, the Great Schism of 1054 marked by the symbolic date of the separation. It was regarded as a turning point because it brought to a head centuries of deteriorating cultural disengagement, ecclesiastical suspicion and theological differences between the east and the west, symbolising the eventual isolation of the eastern churches through the centuries.


Would the ''wild boar'' recant at the Diet of Worms in 1521? Bound by the Scriptures and with the conscience captive to the Word of God, Luther did not. What a significant moment in the history of Protestantism when Europe and the church would never be the same. Luther''s life and main doctrines, including the theology of the cross, were very crucial. This was not because of his spiritual credentials but rather the vision of God which gripped him to communicate through sermons, tracts and treatises. In other words, 1521 or related events represented a turning point as a result of Luther''s work in the broader social and cultural changes in the work in the 16th century. Although some aspects of his life were not illumined by the Divine Logos, Luther''s vision of God was timely and correct.


Caesaropapism (doctrine of state control over the church) was evident when the English Parliament passed an Act of Supremacy, the significance of which could be seen in the lasting alteration of the situation of the Church of England. As the only supreme head on earth of the Church of England, Henry VIII''s marriage with Catherine of Aragon was annulled, enabling him to marry Anne Boleyn. The break from Rome effected by the support of the archbishop of Canterbury and the English Parliament was a turning point because of the general effect of England in particular and Christianity in general. There was an evident rise of self-consciously local, particular and national forms of Christianity. Although it was not the intention of the first Protestants to break up western Catholicism, there were small-scale alternatives to the universal Catholic Church. In other words, protests against the Catholic Church led to the Protestant churches, which subsequently opened various roads to reform eventually bringing a multiplicity rather than a unified voice against Catholic error.

The founding of the Jesuits in 1540 could be regarded as significant because it was the most remarkable factor in the Catholic reform and worldwide outreach. The role of the Jesuits in winning Protestant regions back to Rome and solidifying those who swung like a pendulum in their loyalty to the Catholic Church cannot be overemphasized. The enduring effects of mid 16th century reform of the Catholic Church, the founding of the new orders, redirection of the papacy and Council of Trent could be regarded as branches of a major turning point because of the lasting effects on world Christianity. Catholic reform inspired a wide range of practicalized steps that ushered in a translation of the world wide potential of Christianity by restating the Christian message in the custom of the people.


The conversion of the Wesleys in 1738 is significant because it was the most dynamic force in transforming the religion of the Reformation into modern Protestant evangelicalism. It is evident that Pietism (a movement originating in the Lutheran Church that stressed personal piety or reverence for God over religious formality and orthodoxy) and early Methodism were part of a larger movement of renewal. This new piety was a turning point because doctrines of God''s grace that had grown stale in the English church were renewed or revamped. This renewal or revitalization gave rise to modern evangelicalism out of the legacy of Reformation Protestantism.


The secular event, the French Revolution of 1789, is significant because it ushered in actions which struck at the very privileges of status of the Roman Catholic Church. In attempting to remodel the world, the National Assembly passed ambitious laws which faded the supernatural God in French life. It was a turning point because it embarked on a programme of violent deChristianization signalling the gradual decline of Christendom (the period when interests of church and society were regarded as the same in Europe).


Even though Catholics were not invited, the significant ten-day Edinburgh Missionary Conference (a faith for the entire world) could be regarded as the beginning of the twentieth century ecumenical movement, a high tide of western missionary expansion. It was a turning point because it symbolized an awakened consciousness concerning the worldwide extension of the faith. Never again would ''world wide Christianity'' be equated with the Christianity of Europe and America. Earlier expansions of Christianity generally involved single originating and single receiving cultures. The trend became indigenization of Christianity in countless regional cultures.

Oliver L.T. Harding, who obtained his GCE O & A Levels from the Sierra Leone Grammar School and the Albert Academy respectively, is currently Senior & Acting Librarian of Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone. He is a part time lecturer at the Institute of Library, Information & Communication Studies (INSLICS), Fourah Bay College and the Extension Programme at the Evangelical College of Theology (T.E.C.T) at Hall Street, Brookfields; Vice President of the Sierra Leone Association of Archivists, Librarians & Information Scientists (SLAALIS); a member of the American Theological Library Association (ATLA) and an associate of the Chartered Institute of Library & Information Professionals (CILIP). His certificates, secular and sacred, include: a certificate and diploma from the Freetown Bible Training Centre; an upper second class B.A. Hons. Degree in Modern History (F.B.C.); a post-graduate diploma from the Institute of Library Studies (INSLIBS, F.B.C) a masters degree from the Institute of Library, Information & Communication Studies (INSLICS, F.B.C.) and a masters degree in Biblical Studies from West Africa Theological Seminary, affiliate of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, where he won the prize for academic excellence as the Best Graduating Student in 2005. Oliver, a writer, musician and theologian, is married (to Francess) with two children (Olivia & Francis).

Email: oltharding@yahoo.com
Mobile: 232-2233-460-330

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Saturday, November 27, 2010

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Thursday, November 11, 2010

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Sunday, November 7, 2010

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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What in the Name of Jesus

So, what in the Name of Jesus are we doing now?

Jesus said, "For where two or three come together IN MY NAME, there am I with them" (Matt 18:20).

Great, now what?

In Mark 16:17, He assured us that, "...these signs will accompany those who believe: IN MY NAME they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well."

How's that coming along?

Along that same line of thought, He said, (John 14:12-14) "...anyone who has faith in Me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask IN MY NAME, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. You may ask Me for anything IN MY NAME, and I will do it."

Can I get a witness...anybody?

In John 14:26, He assures us, "...the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send IN MY NAME, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you." He's here, empowering us. Are we appropriating that power?

In John 15:16, He said, "You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit-fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask IN MY NAME." Are we asking for Kingdom things, or are we asking amiss (James 4:3)?

And in John 16:24, "Until now you have not asked for anything IN MY NAME. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete."

Again, what's the motivation of our hearts when we ask?


Some mistakenly believe that by saying "In Jesus' Name" at the end of a prayer results in God always granting what is asked for, as if He were a genie at our beck and call. This is nothing short of treating the words "in Jesus' Name" as if they were a magic formula. Why not exclaim "Abracadabra!" and wait for the results?

Bible scholars point out that the expression "in the name of" originally meant "in the spirit of" or "in the manner of." In other words, simply saying "in Jesus' Name," does not mean that a particular prayer really IS in Jesus' Name. Perhaps that alone explains some of our perceived prayer failures.

Praying in His Name means that we are saying the kinds of things that He would say or that which we know He taught. A working knowledge of Scripture will certainly prove beneficial in this regard.

Praying in Jesus' Name means praying with His authority and asking the Father to act upon our prayers because we come in the name of His Son, Jesus.

Praying in Jesus' Name means the same thing as praying according to the will of God, "This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything ACCORDING TO HIS WILL, He hears us. And if we know that he hears us-whatever we ask-we know that we have what we asked of him" (1 John 5:14-15).

Praying in Jesus' Name is praying for things that will honor and glorify King Jesus and advance His Kingdom cause. Not OUR kingdom...HIS!

If what you asked for in prayer was not for God's glory and according to His will, saying "In Jesus' Name" is meaningless. Genuinely praying in Jesus' Name and for His glory is what is important, not attaching certain words to the end of a prayer. It is not the words we pray that matter, but the purpose behind our prayer. Praying for things that are in agreement with God's will is the essence of praying in Jesus' Name.




Speaking of 'amen', when we say THAT word at the VERY end of a prayer, it does NOT mean, "Roger, over 'n out!"

The Hebrew 'Amen' is derived from the root "aman," which means to be firm or solid in the sense of permanency. Thus by implication, it means to be sure, true or faithful. So whenever we see the word 'Amen' used in Scripture, it is affirming truth, or illustrating something is said that is of absolute certainty. One might proclaim, "Let it be done!"

We use it to affirm that we believe all the things we have read, or heard, are true, or that we are confident God hears our petitions. It is like an solemn appeal that we know something with absolute certainty, even that our prayers have truly been heard by God. 1st Peter 3:12, "For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers..."

Oddly enough, to get a scriptural answer to what 'Amen' means, we go to a place where it is used not as the last word but the first word. Jesus would often start a solemn statement by saying "Verily" or "Truly". In John 3:3, Jesus is recorded as using the word twice in succession, "Verily, verily, I say to you...". In the original language, this is actually the word "Amen" being used there twice.

When we compare an instance of this in Mark, with the same statement in Luke, we find the translators have left the word untranslated, but in Luke it was translated by using the word we translate as "Truly". (Mark 9:1, Luke 9:27). This shows us that the underlying meaning of the word "Amen" is truth and verily. It is a solemn affirmation.

So, when we say, "Amen" we are saying, "Yes, before God, I agree with that, I believe that to be true, I want that to be so, Let it be done".


So, what ARE we doing in the Name of Jesus? Are we exercising the Authority that His Name gives us? After all, His is the Name above all names (Phil 2:9). His Name is exalted over names like cancer, divorce, war, violence, dissension, strife, depression, addiction, et al.

Are we declaring peace in His Name? Are we commanding healing to spring forth in His Name? Are we speaking to the Spirit of Divorce that has raised its ugly head in our nation's marriages? Are we advancing the Kingdom in His Name, doing warfare as a mighty army, or merely warming pews?

The word "Christian" literally means "a little Christ." Acts 11:26 tells us that, "...a whole year they assembled themselves with the church, and taught many people. And the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch." Whether the term was a derogatory one that was embraced by the followers of Christ's teachings - not unlike the British referring to the Colonial Revolutionary Army as "Yanks" - is up for debate. Point is, the name stuck and remains 2,000 years later.

As "Little Christs," do we dare to step out of our comfort zones and do the things that Jesus said we would do in His Name? God dares us to do so. The devil dares us, too.

Sadly, most Christians are only Christians because we weren't born in Iraq. If we had been, we'd be worshipers of Allah. Being a Christian requires devotion to the cause, not merely cheerleading for an ideology. Wearing a "Jesus Saves" t-shirt, placing a silver fish on our bumper and attending Christian conferences does NOT a Christian make.

As a young college girl asked me one time, "What do you and Jesus DO together?" Great question. After all, we are referred to God's fellow workers. Co-laborers, if you will. He chooses to work with us and THROUGH us.

I'm reminded of the words of Keith Green in his song, "Asleep in the Light." He was 29 when he died in 1982. He was not only a forerunner in the Christian music scene, he also had a clear sense of Jesus' radical call and didn't shy away from his hard truths. These lyrics are more relevant now than ever.

Read 'em and weep...then wipe your eyes, blow your nose and let's storm the gates of Hell.

Cause He brings people to your door,

And you turn them away, as you smile and say,

God bless you, be at peace, and all Heaven just weeps,

Cause Jesus came to your door, you've left Him out on the streets.

Open up, open up, and give yourself away,

You've seen the need, you hear the cry, so how can you delay,

God's calling and you're the one, but like Jonah you run,

He's told you to speak, but you keep holding it in,

Oh, can't you see it's such sin?

The world is sleeping in the dark,

That the church can't fight, cause it's asleep in the light,

How can you be so dead, when you've been so well fed,

Jesus rose from the grave, and you, you can't even get out of bed,

Oh, Jesus rose from the dead, come on, get out of your bed.

Every blessing,


Michael Tummillo
A servant of God

His mission is to bring Discipleship and Encouragement to the Body of Christ. Since '99, he has broadcast nearly 700 inspirational articles to his online subscribers and a dozen booklets on subjects sure to interest the thinking Christian and accelerate the process of spiritual development.

He is the founder of t.e.a.m. ministries. An Author, Pastoral Counselor and Teacher, his eMail broadcasts, known as "Your Town for Jesus" are read around the globe. Subscribe at team1min@our-town.com.com A licensed/ordained minister, a Certified Workplace Chaplain, and a Professional Member of NIBIC, he has ministered in Methodist, Pentecostal, Charismatic, Baptist, Disciples of Christ, College and Cowboy churches. He is the Workplace Chaplain for a Texas firm, overseeing the Spiritual Development of over 500 employees at ten facilities throughout the state. He is a strong advocate for the House Church Movement, readily available to assist Christians feeling that same inclination. A Speaker on the Christian Speaker Network, he may be available to speak to your church.


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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Chronic Pain, Injuries, and Depression - How to Look For the Silver Lining

If you have had a back, neck, or any kind of bodily injury, then you are probably all too familiar with chronic pain and the problems it brings into your daily life. For 22 years, I worked with chronic and acute pain patients in a medical psychology setting.  Most of the patients I counseled were victims of car accidents or work-related injuries. I became very familiar with the problems that developed after an injury-inducing event.  Undersleeping, oversleeping, anxiety attacks, depression, pain, and sometimes loss of income.  During physical recovery time, despite various degrees of pain that the patients felt, they became depressed from boredom. Whether they were unable to work temporarily or permanently, boredom and frustration were a regular theme during our counseling sessions.  Often, I was successful with helping a patient improve their sleeping habits or anxiety attacks, but I was always looking for ways to help them feel more emotionally stimulated during a long recovery.

About seven years into my counseling with chronic and acute pain patients, I injured my back. Bending improperly to make my bed caused a sensation of a rubber band snapping and breaking in my lower back.  Although I had never experienced this, I knew from various descriptions that my patients had given over the years that I had injured a disk. Sure enough, the medical tests showed a severely herniated lumbar disk.  In addition, I had acquired considerable nerve damage from the injury in both legs.  

As I lay in bed that night, wracked with new pain, I wondered how all of this was going to affect my life.  An unsympathetic boss who's practice I faithfully worked in refused me any time off, despite my doctor's recommendation of four weeks rest time.  I had to keep my job, I needed the money. I couldn't take anything stronger than Tylenol because of my need to stay clear-headed for the patients that I so loved to counsel.  How ironic, I thought as I lay on my bed each morning, having my shoes put on by my husband of only five months, then going to work to help others with the same injury.  Somehow I kept my pain a secret from my caring patients, telling them that my odd walk was due to too much time at the gym.  It was humbling, being in tears during physical therapy surrounded by others who could have been my own patients.

One day, I was reviewing some papers I had written in college.  My eye was drawn to a paragraph about crisis management.  I had included the concept  of the Chinese symbol for "crisis", which also stands for the word, "opportunity" in the Chinese language.  This back injury was a crisis, for sure.  What type of opportunity could possibly arise from this in my life, or more importantly, my patients' lives?  I thought bitterly of how I had always been a physical person. According to my doctor, no more bowling, horseback riding, skating.  Ever.  Where was my opportunity in all this?  I was angry.  I saw this emotion in my patients, as well. I had successfully helped patients work through their feelings of anger and loss, but I was guided mostly by counseling theories I had learned and incorporated into my own intuitive style.

Things were different now, I knew.  My new health status changed everything. If I didn't work through my own anger at my limitations and find the "opportunity", I would be on equal footing with my patients.  This would make me an ineffective pain management therapist.  Determined to continue helping and healing my patients, I ignored my pain at work.  One day, a new patient that I had recently acquired, was near tears as he described the horrible pain he experienced in his legs as a result of a lumbar disk injury. Without thinking, I said, " I know what you mean". He stopped and looked at me and said, "no you don't.  you can't understand what this feels like". I briefly explained that I had suffered the same injury as he did.  To say that this small bit of self-disclosure had an incredibly positive impact on my counseling results was a major understatement.  Everything changed within me and how I related to injured people.  I felt more confident, and patients sensed this, responding more positively to the therapy.  Seeing that I was an injured person like them helped them see that there might be a light at the end of their dark, dark tunnel.

My mission was to pass the "crisis/opportunity" concept, as I now called it, onto every patient that I worked with. Now, instead of hiding the fact that I had a back injury,  I shared this with the patients who had similar or the same injury.  I explained the concept briefly to each patient during our first meeting, and then asked them to keep it in the back of their mind for future reference. I referred to the future because in the beginning of therapy, the patient's focus was always on the present and the pain they were experiencing, both emotionally and physically.  Many of them never believed that they would improve.

As therapy progressed, large and small opportunities would materialize.  For example:  A woman who now needed to be driven to her doctor appointments asked her daughters to help her with rides. They were happy to do it, and as a result,  she got to spend more time with her family than she had before her injury.  This made her happier, despite the seriousness of her pain.  A male patient, who wasn't able to work temporarily, began to teach himself to cook.  He knew nothing about cooking, and in fact, didn't much like it.  However, his wife, who worked full-time, loved it!  She came home to a hot meal several days a week, which deflected much of the tension as a result of the patient's inability to work. 

Finally, the most dramatic example, and my favorite:  I had a patient who had a severe neck injury.  After surgery, he was bedridden for many months with a neck brace.  He watched TV for several hours a day because he was barely able to move.  One day, there was a program on TV about learning  how to draw and paint.  My patient found it boring, and turned it off.  The next day, he changed his mind and watched the show with a pencil and paper in his weak hands.  He watched every day and practiced, discovering that he had amazing artistic skill.  When he wasn't confined to bed any longer, he began to  paint.  Eventually, he showed some of his pictures at amateur art shows and even sold some of them.  I'm proud to say that I am a buyer of one of those paintings!  This painting hangs in my living room, reminding me of the amazing strength, will, and beauty of the human spirit.  Talk about opportunity! 

Victoria Cimino has a Master's Degree in Education from Antioch University. She currently owns a motivational/life coaching company and works with clients by phone all over the US. Prior to coaching, Victoria worked as a psychotherapist specializing in pain management, anxiety,and general issues. She has also taught biofeedback and relaxation techniques to chronic and acute pain patients. To learn more about what coaching can do for you, go to Victoria's website at http://www.RisingStarMotivationalCoach.com or call toll free 9am-9pm EST 877-838-8366.

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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Homes for sale Antioch Te $88000 2 BRs, 1 full BA, 1 half B

$88000 2 bedrooms, 1 full bath, 1 half bath 409 Hickory Glade Dr , Antioch, Te For more details, visit us here: www.bobparks.com For more information contact: Todd Nussey Email: NUSSEYT@realtracs.com 383-6600 Parks Properties Office MLS Number: 1205216 Let Todd Nussey of Parks Properties show you this delightful home at 409 Hickory Glade Drive in Antioch. Brilliant windows are one of the highlights of this radiant room. This traditional fireplace warms the room nicely. The kitchen glows with the light from the white cabinetry. You'll find 2 bedrooms, 1 full bath and 1 half bath in this home. Look at all the closet space you'll be getting in this fine home. A lovely fence enhances this home's classic charm. For more information, call today.


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Sunday, September 12, 2010

Apartments.com Bella Rose Apartment Homes Roma in Antioch,

View Property Details on Apartments.com: www.apartments.com Roma Bella Rose Apartment Homes 4900 Canada Valley Rd. Antioch CA 94531 From Highway 4 East: Take Hwy. 4 east until Bypass road, exit Lone Tree Avenue. Turn right onto Lone Tree and turn right on Canada Valley Rd. Bella Rose Apartment Homes is located at 4900 Canada Valley Road. Come home to Bella Rose Apartment Homes and discover unparalleled modern luxury, all within an environment reminiscent of Tuscan Style and flair. To an area long prized for its panoramic views and Mediterranean climate comes the finest in luxury living... Bella Rose Apartment Homes. Your stunning home at Bella Rose Apartment Homes in Antioch features beautiful amenities and architecture. Some of the most upscale shopping and finest dining in Northern California are minutes away from your beautiful home. Our on-site professional staff is available for you 24 hours a day. Welcome Home! MENTION THIS AD AND RECEIVE $150 OFF YOUR MOVE-IN COSTS. Discover unparalleled modern luxury, all within an environment reminiscent of a Tuscan Style. MENTION THIS AD AND RECEIVE $150 OFF YOUR MOVE-IN COSTS. Antioch/ E Contra Costa County Not Applicable Garages available for $125 per month. 6 Months, 9 Months, 12 Months


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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Antioch CA Homes For Sale Market Comparison Report

Prospective Home Buyers should analyze various key indicators for a city they intend to purchase in. This article covers some current key indicators for Antioch Ca Home For Sale.

Summary of Key Points

Antioch Ca Homes for Sale market has taken a major hit from last year.

Median Sales Price (+4.91%), Median Days on Market (-39.95%), and Number of Units Sold (-51.63%)

Big Picture: Out of 20 cities analyzed in the East Bay, Antioch suffered the largest decline in the number of units sold.

Antioch Ca Homes for Sale

The city of Antioch experienced a 4.91% increase in median sales price from last year going up from $205,565 (Dec. 08) to $215,660 (Dec. 09). This modest increase in median sales price might at first glance seem like good news for Antioch however, when compared alongside median days on market and number of units sold, we realize that it is not so simple. Median days on market for a house in the city of Antioch for December 08 was 52 days compared to a meager 31 days in December 09 and number of units sold have taken a major beating going down by more than half from 306 units in Dec 08 to 148 units in Dec 09. The increase in median sales price coupled with a 39.95% decrease in median days on market should theoretically spell good news but a 51.63% drop in units sold says otherwise. The increase in sales price in this case dissuaded buyers from purchasing new homes.

There is good news for neighboring city Brentwood because Brentwood Ca Homes for Sale saw a modest increase in median sales price of 1.03% and a semi-dramatic increase in units sold of 24.49%. Neighbor Concord also witnessed a small increase of 1.15% in median sales price but Concord Ca Homes for Sale suffered pretty much the same fate as Antioch with a drop of 13.07% in the number of units sold.

It is important to compare these key indicators with nearby cities to help Home Buyers make an educated decision.

Read detailed information on Home For Sale in 55 other major cities in Northern California HomeSearchFinderBlog.com

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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Thinking in a Straight Line?

With the near ubiquity of the Internet these days, many rural communities find that the local LISTSERV is an invaluable tool for connecting citizens. In my own town, we use the local LISTSERV for everything from announcing important local events to asking for advice on local contractors. Recently there was a lively discussion about the new fee for what used to be a free recycling permit. Although the fee is a minimal $18, there were many people upset by the additional cost (I suspect mainly because they did not feel like their opinions were considered). Someone even carefully calculated the cost to throw vs. the cost to recycle, showing that, at least in measurable dollars, it actually cost almost twice as much to recycle.

The more I thought about this calculation, the more I realized that this was linear thinking in action. There are hidden costs and benefits that just can't be measured with a dollar sign. It is the type of thinking that often occurs with more serious public policy issues, and we are paying a big price for it. In this country we don't often look at what is referred to as the triple bottom line, the idea that organizations need to pay attention not only to financial but also social and environmental impact. "The Story of Stuff" is a great video clip that, despite its left leaning tendencies, illustrates how linear thinking has led to many of the problems we are grappling with now.

So what's the remedy? A start is to begin practicing systems thinking. How do you do that, you ask? There are a number of ways to practice, but here are some ideas to try out:

  • Tell the story of your organization and explore the nature of events in detail before jumping into problem solving - be sure you are looking at the whole picture, both internally and externally, and not just from your own perspective.

  • Look for patterns of behavior and trends over time: dig deep and go back in history; don't just consider the recent past.

  • As you discover trends and patterns, look for the interrelationships in organizational systems - break down those silos; the organizational chart is a myth - organizations are essentially living organisms that exist within networks.

  • Identify assumptions that need changing and track those changes; if you're not achieving your desired outcome, ask why rather than assign blame.

  • Above all else, be patient! Systems thinking takes time to learn - it is a practice, not an event.

Is this easy? No. Is it worth it? Definitely. As Einstein is so often quoted, "The problems we have created in the world today will not be solved by the level of thinking that created them." For more information on the triple bottom line see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triple_bottom_line. To view "The Story of Stuff" click here (http://www.storyofstuff.com).

Marty Jacobs, president of Systems In Sync, has been teaching and consulting for almost twenty years, applying a systems thinking approach to organizations. She currently provides strategic planning and policy governance expertise for the Vermont School Boards Association and has worked with several school districts to engage them in community conversations. In the nonprofit sector, Marty provides strategic planning, board leadership training, Policy Governance implementation, community engagement facilitation, and staff development. Additionally, Marty has served on a variety of nonprofit, professional, and school boards over the past twenty years. Marty has also written articles for Vermont Business Magazine and the American School Board Journal on topics related to organizational learning, systems thinking, and community engagement. A graduate of Dartmouth College, Marty received her M.S. in Organization and Management from Antioch New England Graduate School in Keene, NH.


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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Warren Dreher - An American Blender of American Realism and Bay Area Figurative Art

Warren Dreher, the 'Insider' landscape painter, was born in Providence, Rhode Island, USA in 1946. His fascination for art landed him as student at the Rhode Island School of Design. Since his childhood, he was always attracted towards the effects of sunlight on different landscapes and its various elements. He would also spend most of his time enjoying the art books at the local library. His early influences were artists Edgar Degas (French, 1834-1917) and Edward Hopper (American, 1882-1967). This adulation for them sustained until he graduated at the Fine Arts Work Centre in Provincetown, Massachusetts. Repeatedly compared to Edward Hopper, Dreher's paintings invariably carried the tranquil aesthetics of light effects in nature.

Being an ardent landscape artist, many of his images included the local architectural and natural landscape of dunes and water. In the 1960's he initiated a chain of architectural and scenery paintings in pastels and oil, which continues until date. In his teens, at the Boston University he was exposed to the exhibition of Bay Area Figurative artists Elmer Bischoff (1916-91) and Richard Diebenkorn (1922-93). This had a drastic impact on Warren's work. James Weeks' (1922-98) huge exhibition at the University of Rhode Island was also a revelation for the young painter. Later on, he concentrated on the studio work based on the sketches and the plein-air works capturing the landscapes of Cape Cod and Providence. He transformed the top floor of his apartment into a full-fledged studio to get a panoramic angle of the town and work without any hindrance.

In 1978, Dreher moved to California. Here the paintings of American artists Elmer Bischoff (1916-91), Weeks, and Richard Diebenkorn (1922-93) inspired and stimulated him. Soon he realised that his concepts of art lie somewhere in the middle of Claude Monet (French, 1840-1926), Degas, Hopper, and Bischoff. In the early 90's, Warren displayed several works of his paintings at the Bedford Gallery at the Regional Centre for the Arts in Walnut Creek, California and at the Lynn House Gallery in Antioch, California. Some of noted works displayed were The Outdoor Studio, Along the River, Vanishing Point, and Diablo from the Delta. His recent works survey and cover the distinctive light pattern of Southern California, San Diego, & Contra Costa, and the 20 years painting sequence on the Sacramento River Delta.

Being one of the Bay Area's leading landscape painters, Warren Dreher works started with a foretaste of the early 20th century American Realism, moving later to California's Bay Area Figurative School. Heavily experienced in both the school of paintings, he skilfully blended the two art movements of the century. He is at present an active member of the painters unit called 'The Insider.'

Annette Labedzki received her BFA at the Emily Carr College of Art and Design in Vancouver, B.C. Canada. She has more than 25 years experience. She is the founder and developer of an online art gallery featuring original art from all over the world. Please visit the website at http://www.Labedzki-Art.com It is a great site for art collectors to buy original art. Artists can join for free and their image upload is unlimited.

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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Principles of the Doctrine of Christ - Laying on of Hands - Call to Service

Probably the most misunderstood principle of the Doctrine of Christ is the doctrine of "Laying on of Hands." Primarily the doctrine of laying on of hands is the call of every believer into the service of Christ. The call to service is given to every believer by Jesus himself. "...Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature..." (Mark 16:15-20)

This is the call to service by Jesus to every believer; to join the battle for the lost souls of mankind. What is the result of this battle? The salvation or damnation of the souls of men.

Who is called to service?

Every born again believer is given a calling and gifts to perform his assigned calling.

How can a believer know what his calling is? Or what gifts has God given him?

First, every believer from least to the greatest through Christ has been given God's Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit gives every believer the ability to testify of Jesus Christ and his great salvation.

Acts 1:8, "...ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses..."

Every believer has the power to witness about his personal repentance and salvation experience through Jesus Christ, and can attest to God's great love for all mankind. This is the foundation from which even greater power and witnessing can be performed, for no person can possibly witness about Jesus Christ without first having experienced his saving transforming power.

Is witnessing for Christ an option? No, absolutely not. (see Matthew 10:32-34)

It is important that every believer realize that he is called into the service of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Call to Leadership Service

The doctrine of "Laying on of Hands" is also the method of calling believers into leadership service of Christ. This is demonstrated time and again in scripture. The apostles selected seven men to be over the business of the church. They prayed and laid hands on them to commission them for their service. (Acts 6:3-6)

The church of Antioch through the Holy Spirit selected Barnabas and Saul to ministry by fasting, prayer, and the laying on of hands.

The call to service by the laying on of hands is not a light work, but carries the import of the authority and power of God. God calls only those men to leadership service who have demonstrated the ability to rule their own house. They should not be a novice believers or they can be tempted by pride. (I Timothy 3:4-6)

It is necessary to use sincere prayer and fasting before commissioning any person into the leadership of the Lord's church by the laying on of hands. This insures that God's will is being done and not man's.

I Corinthians 12:28 tells us the leadership order is: apostles, prophets, teachers, miracles, gifts of healing, helps, governments, diversities of tongues.

Who are:

  1. Apostles - Those chosen by Jesus Christ including Paul. (Luke 6:12-13, II Corinthians 1:1)

  2. Prophets - Those who labor in the testimony of Jesus Christ including preachers and evangelists, and all Christians. "...for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy." (Revelation 19:10)

  3. Teachers - Those who teach God's word, including the first principles of the oracles of God. (Hebrews 5:12-14)

  4. Miracle Workers - Those who confirm God's word by miracles. (Acts 4:29-30)

  5. Gifts of Healing - Elders (James 5:14), and those who confirm God's word with healings. (Acts 4:29-30)

  6. Helps - Those who do good works and alms deeds. (Acts 9-36)

  7. Governments - Those given administration over the physical needs of the body of Christ. (Acts 6:1-6)

  8. Diversities of Tongues - Gift for self edification in the faith. (Jude:20)

Gifts of the Spirit

God has given gifts to all his servants to confirm the truth of the gospel and edify the church of Christ. (I Corinthians 12:4-11)

The gifts of the Spirit are:

  1. Word of Wisdom

  2. Word of Knowledge

  3. Faith

  4. Gifts of Healing

  5. Working of Miracles

  6. Prophecy

  7. Diverse Kinds of Tongues

  8. Interpretation of Tongues

Signs will follow believers that join the service of the Lord. And...these signs are performed by the Lord to confirm the word of God! God's word is the word of power and every believer must realize the power is the Lord's and must be used to glorify Jesus Christ and his gospel. (Acts 4:24-30)


Every gift that God gives must glorify Jesus Christ, the Lord of Glory, and be in complete agreement with God's Word. There is no gift or administration that supersedes the Word of God. If any wisdom, knowledge, or understanding is contrary to the Word of God, (the Bible), then it is not from God.

Proverbs 21:30, "There is not wisdom nor understanding nor counsel against the Lord."

Award winning author, Mark Brown, who writes under the pen-name, J-me, invites you to receive your free subscription to the Mason Bricklin Newsletter. Each family friendly monthly issue features a humorous short story, and articles about family, writing, internet marketing, and the amazing creation. Or visit his humorous books and stories site which features his Bible blog: http://www.masonbricklin.net.

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Sunday, May 30, 2010

New Year's Anouncements

The church had an old useless tv/home entertainment center that they gave us permission to destroy. So naturally we put it to good use.......... and then destroyed it.


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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Buy Your Dream Home - Over the Top Homes on Low Income Budget

Must you really slash your dream home into a low-income subsidized housing project instead? Not a chance. There are so many options for buying new homes these days, you really can afford your dream home with a few specific strategies to keep the dreams flowing. Let's see how many we can set into motion, right here:

1 - Consider the Modular/Mobile option. It doesn't have to look like a modular, to be off site built. Consider an adobe sided home with creative landscaping, creative decorating and a country type land site. Give yourself a little leeway in location and go for the best design you can find.

2 - Staging is an inexpensive fix. Home stagers often re-create a home for sale, but who says you can't call one to help you re-create your space for living? One of the most exciting redos ended with residents liking it so much, they didn't move. A stager comes at the house with a different perspective and can give you some great ideas you might never have thought about without making that call.

3 - Seek a better priced home for your budget. Just because a house fits your budget doesn't mean it fits your family. Find houses that fit your family and sort through the pricing until you find a home that fits both your family and your budget. Consider do-it-yourself fix ups to cut the cost of purchasing your home. A fixer upper may cost a lot less and still be within your budget.

These strategies will help you get the house of your dreams, and way more house for your money. Don't give up your dreams. You've earned the right to live them.

Visit http://designhome4sale.com and learn more about living in your dream home and how to accomplish the task without spending your life savings and going over your budget to live the life of your dreams.
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Friday, May 7, 2010

Concord Homes Market Comparison Report (February 2009 Versus February 2010)

We analyze several housing market indicators in order to present an in-depth breakdown of Concord Homes Market comparing February 2009 to February 2010.

Summary of Key Points

Concord Homes for Sale has started showing signs of improvement with median sales price climbing up while at the same time houses are selling faster. Sellers got over asking price. The market is making an upward move.

Key Statistics, Concord, CA: Median Sales Price (18.12%), Median Days on Market (-41.76%), and Number of Units Sold (-19.49%), Sales Price to List Price Ratio (Feb 09 98% - Feb 10 101%)

Concord Homes

The city of Concord experienced a 18.12% increase in median sales price from last year going up from $238,189 (Feb. 09) to $281,342 (Feb. 2010). Median days on market data for Concord show that houses are selling faster than Feb 09. It took 58 days in Feb 09 for a house to sell and for Feb 10 that number has gone down to 34 days (a 41.76% improvement). Another important factor to consider is total number of units sold. In the month of Feb 09, 118 units were sold compared to 95 for Feb 10 (-19.49% change). Lastly we are going to take a look at the Sales Price to List Price Ratio for Concord. SP/LP ratio for Feb 09 was 98% compared to 101% for Feb 10.

Let's take a brief look at neighbors Antioch and Walnut Creek. Antioch Homes featured a 14.70% increase in median sales price ($185,797 Feb 09 - $213,110 Feb 10) and Walnut Creek Homes saw a 1.93% increase ($503,255 Feb 09 - $512,943 Feb 10). Are houses in Antioch and Walnut Creek selling faster or slower this year? Well, Antioch experienced a 54.02% decrease (55 to 25 days) in median days on market and Walnut Creek a 37.60% decrease (70 to 43 days). In the units sold category, Antioch sold 89 units less (44.72%) in Feb 2010 than 09 and Walnut Creek sold 20 units more (68.97%) in Feb 2010 than Feb 09.

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HomeSearchFinder.com provides a Proprietary Affordability Mortgage Calculator. It matches your profile against the programs our lenders offer and instantly communicates the PreQual Mortgage amount and the Purchase price you are eligible for. You can also access Concord Homes.

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Friday, April 30, 2010

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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Police search Phillip Garrido's Antioch home

Multiple police agencies search the property of Phillip and Nancy Garrido in the disappearance of Michaela Garecht of Hayward in 1988 and Ilene Misheloff of Dublin in 1989. www.insidebayarea.com


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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Carlsbad, California is a Beautiful Place to Live

Carlsbad is a coastal resort city found in the North San Diego County area of beautiful Southern California. The city was incorporated in 1952, and with a 2009 population estimated to be around 105,000 it is also one of the most prestigious areas to live in Southern California with one of the highest income of residents in the United States. Carlsbad has voted for regulation to protect surrounding wildlife habitation, one of the first municipalities in the State of California to do so. The city has also vowed to defend a particular amount of land within the city limits from builders of any kind. Moreover, the city spends considerable amounts of money to repair habitats damaged by recent improvement projects.

Carlsbad is located between the major cities of San Diego and Los Angeles. Its coastal setting, picturesque splendor, small population density, booming business sector, large quantity of upscale housing, and high quality school districts have made Carlsbad one of the most pricey real estate markets in the United States. Land in Carlsbad is not only in low supply but also very sought after. As such, real estate in Carlsbad demands lofty prices even by Southern California standards with average home values near the $700,000 range.

Affordability is a concern in the Carlsbad real estate market. Moreover, it has been estimated that less than 10% of the United States population can manage to afford and pay for the median priced home in the certain areas of Carlsbad, as reported by the California Association of REALTORS. Some of the most prestigious areas in Carlsbad include the exclusive neighborhoods near the south side costal area and the Aviara area which is to the west. Homes in these areas have a tendency to be larger which is relevant in the amount of money they cost. With the current inventory of homes on the market in Carlsbad, purchasing a home here now may be a excellent choice depending on your state of affairs and financial arrangements.

Currently there are about 200 detached homes on the market in Carlsbad. On the most part, the inventory ranges in price from $450,000 to $2,500,000, with the exception of some outliers. Occasionally high end homes, offered in the $3 million to $5 million range, come on the market as well. In 2006 the median price was around $850,000, with an average price of nearly $900,000. Prices have appreciated considerably since 2001, but the recent market downturn has given prospective buyers a chance to take advantage of affordable prices, at least for this area.

The Eisendrath Team Inc. has over 30 years of experience in Carlsbad and the north county San Diego areas. They have been top producing brokers for companies such as Prudential, Re/Max and Coldwell Banker. For all your real estate needs visit Carlsbad Real Estate. Here you will find useful information about real estate in Carlsbad, California.

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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Why A 20 Percent Down Payment?

There are certain pillars in the real estate world that we have all come to know and rely upon. The question, however, is where did those pillars come from. For instance, how did 20 percent come to be the magic down payment number?

In the world of real estate, home buyers know or should know that a 20 percent down payment is a magic number. Why? Well, the payment of such a figure accomplishes two things. First, it lets you avoid the payment of private mortgage insurance. Second, it makes lenders view you with a more lenient eye. If you can manage to bust it up to 25 percent, they will practically throw money at you!

Still, one has to question where the figure of 20 percent came from. After all, why isn't the magic number 15 or 25 percent? At the end of the day, it is a number based on history and experience.

Lenders are always looking at borrowers with a critical eye. They are sizing up your average borrower as a risk. If they lend you money, what is the risk that you will default on the loan and leave them holding the real estate in question? As you can imagine, there are plenty of factors that go into the analysis. Certain factors can be very important to one lender and less so with another. The one factor that makes all lenders pay attention, however, is the down payment.

At its heart, the 20 percent down payment is a tipping point on risk. Lenders have determined over the years and after a few painful experiences, that borrowers who put down 20 percent of the purchase price of a home are far less likely to default than those that put down less money. This should hardly be surprising news. On a $300,000 home, a 20 percent down payment equates to $60,000. It is the rare bird that will walk away from this amount without making a major effort to fix whatever financial problems arise.

At the end of the day, the 20 percent down payment is a tipping point on the teeter totter of risk. If you can raise this amount of money for your home purchase, a lender is less likely to balk at credit issues and so on. The lender will view you more as a partner in the process instead of a potential defaulter, and that is an invaluable position to be in. Saving up 20 percent for a down payment is not easy, but it is well worth doing if you can.

View properties or list your home for sale by owner for 1 month free at FSBOAmerica.org

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Thursday, February 25, 2010

East Bay, California Homes For Sale Market Report November 2009

We analysed 34 major cities in the East Bay Market.Sales of November 2009 were compared to November 2008 Median Price Change in Home Prices

The major cities that had double digit drop in median home prices as compared to last year were Lafayette (-19.31%),Walnut Creek (-18.44%),Alameda (-13.88%),Emeryville (-13.61%),Antioch (-10.07%).The good news is all other cities had single digit drops and some cities actually showed gains in home prices over last year.Oakland (12.84%),Bay Point (14.19%),Danville (16.22%),Fremont (17.64%),El Sobrante (21.54%) and Discovery Bay( 22.54%)

Median Days On Market

28 of the 34 cities actually had homes for lower median days on the market as compared to last year. That is also evident from the number of multiple offers being received on individual homes and the number of rejections Buyers received.25 cities had double digit drop in median days the homes were on the market. Pinole (-65.14%),Pacheco (-64.91%),San Lorenzo (-64.06%),Hercules (-62.97%),Bay Point ( -61.93%),Pittsburg (-51.05%)and Hercules (-50.29%)had the median days on the market down by more than half.

Homes Sold

Overall the homes sold last year in November 2008 were 2008 homes as compared to 1932 homes this year in November 2009.Some cities faced increases and some faced losses but overall the decline was not noticeable.

Where have the Bank Foreclosures gone?

It's a fact that Bank Owned listings/ homes are few to find. Everybody is scratching their heads to figure this one out. We have numbers in our report to show that Bank Foreclosures have dropped as compared to same time last year. But since the sale of homes was quite comparable to last year where did the difference come from. It most likely includes property flippers, short sales and regular sales by sellers. It is difficult to pinpoint the break down of this one.However we do have changes in Bank REO homes.29 of the 34 cities had decreased Bank Foreclosures.27 of the 29 cities had double digit decreases. Major decreases in Bank Owned properties was in Pleasanton (-68.18%),Danville (-66.41%)Dublin ( -61.54%)Fremont (-56.93%),Pinole (-56.04%),Hayward (-55.75%).

No Of Homes Sold

The leader in number of months of homes inventory were Pittsburg (8.25Months),Discovery Bay (8.04M),Hercules (7.31M).The lowest inventory was in El Cerrito (2.4M) Berkeley (2.87 M),Union City (4M)

You can see detailed charts on East Bay Ca Homes For Sale which include comparison for November 2009 to November 2008 and Summary of Numbers for November 2009. You can view individual city data, view properties and qualify for East Bay Ca Foreclosures on our website.

Shaye P

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